Sunday, December 26, 2010

apricot rum

steamy aroma of tangy fruit danced in the space before me as i fought hard to keep my voice quiet in a capsule of a room today.

i would be misrepresenting the subject if i did not address disappointment in the discourse of relationships.  is that what this has become?  a blog about relationships?  oh God, i'd rather be forced to watch "harry potter" movies, back-to-back for a week.

and please forgive the following writer's taboo:  hahahaha!

 there is no discourse here!  for that, more than the bi-annual friend with her/his charitable visit would have to frequent these posts.  this blog is the video store of online spaces.

so enough self-loathing... on to the subject.

well, that's what it's always been, hasn't it?  my musings regarding relationships... haven't i covered this before?  what contemplatable work can avoid it?  even architects designing buildings are working on a way to conduct interactions between people.  and art theorists would argue that architecture isn't a fine art.

anyway, back to the tea house.

i was meant to have relaxing tea and stimulating conversation with a friend today, but was blind-sighted by a monster with its gargantuan fists swinging in all the directions toward which i was escaping.  it had incubated real good--for days... that accounted for its strength.  man, was it a beast to fight.

exhausted.  gettin me some "clueless" and early.

how much do you love when people post pictures of their pets?

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