Thursday, April 1, 2010

rantings of the madman building a garden in my mind grapes

so... today i was suddenly attacked by a monster. it clung to my shoulders and wouldn't let go, but it did travel. to my head. there, it began to dig and dig, and i thought i would die from the pain if it hadn't abruptly stopped to lay eggs. they hatched and pretty soon there were millions of them crawling all over.


i don't suppose i mentioned in any of my past postings about a huge event that my ministry is having on april 23rd and 24th? yes, well, i have now, haven't i?

it's something that i've been dreaming about for years, since i graduated college--to be an artist who ministers to other artists so that they may reach still other artists. (i won't go into the details of my calling now. much of the philosophy can be read about in a condensed format at needless to say, i have no model to follow in doing this, yet i keep meeting new artists who want discipleship and to be a part of such a community of creative people.

monster, thy name is stress

this reminds me of when i drew this.

but there's a peace and a confidence in knowing that God knows what i'm going through and cares about my issues enough to address them. this morning, in His Word, He prepared me for this assault on my sanity:

When the Message we preached came to you, it wasn't just words. Something happened in you. The Holy Spirit put steel in your convictions. 1 Thessalonians 1:5a (MSG)

oh, the wonderful aroma of battle. don't you love when emotions fight will? ah, the stench~