Friday, August 6, 2010


so a very dear friend of mine, one with whom i've traveled a great deal around the realm of growth, and i had us a small visit yesterday.  at one moment--a very calm and transitional moment--i was shocked at the image before me.  my two friends, married, putting their son into a stroller pulled from the back of an SUV. 

nevertheless, there we were, with our teas and sandwiches, talking about the latest couples in the ministry we used to be parts of.  i swirled my coconut and mango mixture in my mouth and began to wonder if i'd ever meet anyone whose life began extremely spiritually passionate and, later, never became contrastly cold and doubtful.

perhaps it's a necessary step.  i mean, in order to fully believe something, you've got to test it and experience it.  no matter how convinced your mind is of a concept, how could your body and emotions and will get on board without being convinced themselves?

in this respect, could i say that i'm thankful for my bitter and cynical beginnings?